Micro Loans

Throughout the Third World, opportunities for women are few.
However Micro-loans from such organizations as the Rameen Bank have opened new avenues by which women in poverty stricken situations can create a source of income for themselves and therefore help their families and the community.

Micro-loan programs are now recognized by the United Nations and other international aid organizations as one of the most successful aid programs, which not only bring economic improvement but also give the recipients pride and self esteem.

Sewaid is a program whereby women in countries such as Vanuatu and other Pacific Island countries are given an opportunity to own a sewing machine and sew for a small but much needed income.

The program offers a selected group of women the opportunity to purchase by way of an initial loan, a sewing machine, a selection of fabrics and all the sewing accessories necessary to get started. Most importantly the program offers expert tuition to teach the women the basic skills for dressmaking, alterations and repairs.

What are Micro Loans?

Micro-loans have been a great success, giving people an opportunity to improve their economic position where no other opportunity is available. Micro loan programs have been successful in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and other countries for many years.

The Grameen Bank in India is famous for its micro-loan program and more information on this can be obtained through their website http://www.grameen.com

The program is basically where a small cash loan is made without collateral to a person to start a small enterprise and whereby they can repay the loan over a pre-determined period of time from the profits of the enterprise. In most cases the loans are under US$100.00 and lent to women for enterprises such as raising a cow, goats, rabbits, mushrooms, fruit trees etc.