Kiribati programme postponed

Kiribati Postponed
Attention Sewaid teachers, and our Kiribati organisers.
We have postponed the Kiribati programme from May until July. Proposed dates are now July 22nd to August 6th. Kiribati have their independence celebrations the first two weeks of July, and that is why we have chosen the 22nd of July to start.
The reasons for this postponement are two-fold. One, shipping of our machines and equipment was to be March 3rd, arriving April 15th. This meant the shipment only arrived two weeks before the team. History has taught us this is not enough leeway as shipping times often get extended or there can be wharf delays and suchlike. We are now planning to ship around 2nd week April which will arrive end of May, thus giving us an 8 weeks leeway. This will also give us more time to prepare the shipment.
The second reason is that with the Corona virus at present, it might be prudent to hold off until we can see how this settles.
Thank you everyone for accepting this change of plans.
Regards Tony