Up-date on projects – August 9th 2019

photo; Glenda with two students at the School for Life, UgandaÂ
Sewaid Update August 9th 2019
Glenda, our head sewing teacher is currently at the School For Life in Uganda, teaching at our Sewaid sewing workshop at the Katuuso school. This workshop is making a lot of great product, including uniforms for schools and fashion garments under their Kumi label. Glenda is there for three weeks checking on quality controls and maintenance of equipment etc. Thanks Glenda for the great job you are doing.
Leanne Abbott is in Chikombedzi Zimbabwe where she is teaching sewing at the local high school.
Sewaid has helped Leanne with machines and supplies and she has advised that the students were once again very grateful for such small things like safety pins and such like that they can not get there. In particular the seams rippers were of great fascination as they had never seen such a  tool !
Currently Sewaid is purchasing a new industrial high speed sewing machine and high speed industrial overlocker for Koroipeta. These machines are for the new Sewaid workshop which will soon be located in their new enterprise building which is now almost completed. More on this next month.
Last month a new overlocker and some spare parts and accessories were kindly transported to our Sewaid workshop at Sustainable Cambodia by a visiting school group from Bayview Colledge in Portland Victoria. Thanks to teacher Zac Jefferies for carrying this for us. Now we are packing up another shipment of fabrics which will be kindly transported by Jenny Knight in her November container. We are always very grateful to the number of other NGOs that help us with transport.
East Timor
Our Sewaid teacher team for East Timor in November (17th – 30th )  is all complete , and we are now shipped a large pallet of sewing machines, over-lockers, fabrics and accessories which  are kindly organised Rotary Donations in Kind ,Melbourne. (photo)
We will be teaching ladies selected from these areas and NGOs:
Oecusse : organised by Judy Charnaud -Rotary E-Club of Greater Sydney )
Soibada : organised by Tamara Sloper-Harding -Rotary Club of Northern Beaches ,Sydney
Dili: organised by Libby Bleakley – Rotary Club of BlackHeath, NSW
Viqueque: organised by Mira Fonseca of Dili.
Lacluta : organised by Mira Fonseca of Dili
The project will also by in conjunction with the Rotary club of Dili
We have also started preparations for our Sewaid teaching teams to Kirabati in March. More of this project in future news updates.
Thanks Tony
photo : Electric Fabric cutter at School of Life ,Uganda