New SewAid projects 2018

We are calling for registered SewAID teachers to apply for the following project in Cambodia
There will be another two Rotary tours to Cambodia in January and February 2018 and these can include some SewAID teachers who as part of their tour will spend just 3 days at our SewAID workshop in Pursat. Teachers will preferably be well experienced in dressmaking and in particular such items as school uniforms, and skills in making high quality saleable goods such as purses and bags etc can also be used to great advantage. Also experience with industrial sewing machines would be helpful. There will be very little Days for Girls in this program.
The two tours will be January 11-21 , and February 2- 11. It is not necessary to be a Rotarian, as SewAID Teachers are automatically accepted as important component of the tour. Most Australians are going on the January tour, led by Past Rotary District Governor Jennifer Scott.
These trips are a remarkable experience. The tour is put together each year by Rotarians involved with Sustainable Cambodia, an NGO with schools and other programmes in central Cambodia. You will be in Pursat at the school working with the sewers in the sewing workshop for just three days. The rest of the days you will be on the normal tour. You will explore the ancient temples of Angkor Wat, delve into the history and culture of Cambodia, and visit many of the distant village schools and projects that are sponsored by partner Rotary clubs around the world. You can choose, if you wish, to actively participate in projects, such as working with the school children, working with water filters and wells, sharing skills and helping families build schools or infrastructure. Or you can simply tour the villages and projects and spend time with the families and children in these rural villages. Either way, it is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. You’ll see first-hand how Rotary and Sustainable Cambodia are empowering families to change their lives.
The trip will include visits to the markets of Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, exploring the temples of Angkor, and visits to a silk factory, to museums, and a floating village. You will experience Cambodia in a way that tourists rarely do. You will fall in love with the people and the children. And you’ll make lifelong friends from among the Rotarians on the trip.
The tour cost is as low as $825 per person. This does not include the cost of flights in and out of the country, but does cover the cost of food, in-country transportation, hotels, guides and related costs in Cambodia.
The trip is non-profit, and all excess funding goes into the Rotary projects. You’ll be joining Rotarians from Australia, Canada and the US, and other countries, as well as Cambodian Rotarians.
If you are interested, please contact me
Tony Castley 0414 801 888